Advancing a more sustainable Built Environment

Jun 06 2024
Corporate, Events

Azendian celebrated sustainability leaders and initiatives amongst 600 attendees at the Singapore Green Building Council Gala Dinner 2024 on 6 June 2024. Azendian Solutions‘ Founder and CEO Bill Lee hosted a table comprising partners, customers and friends.

The Singapore Mechanical & Electrical Carbon Calculator (MECC) was also officially at the event in the presence of guest-of-honour Ms Indranee Rajah, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, Second Minister for Finance and Second Minister for National Development.

Developed by the Energy Studies Institute and JTC Corporation, in close collaboration with the Building and Construction Authority and SGBC, the MECC builds on the Singapore Building Carbon Calculator (SBCC) launched in June 2023. While the SBCC focuses on computing the embodied carbon emissions of building materials in building project, the MECC expands this scope to encompass both the embodied and operational carbon impact of mechanical and electrical (M&E) equipment and services. These include chillers, air handling units, lighting fixtures, cables, pipes, photovoltaic modules and other M&E engineering building products.