Azendeans showed care for the seniors while promoting sustainability through engaging them in making self-watering pots through repurposing plastic bottles. The pots were painted vibrantly and decorated with colourful mosaic pieces.

After the hands on experience, Azendeans served tea to about 30 elders, a simple gesture of giving back to them.

“What we do matters. Even when it comes to giving back to the community. The Lions home is in our neighbourhood and we can be a part of the community that cares, whether for people or the environment,“ said CEO Bill Lee who participated in the care event.

Some Azendeans were volunteering for the first time and found the time with the seniors meaningful in learning about empathy and challenges faced by the elderly.

“Your support has enabled us to maintain the quality of care and also uphold the quality of life for our elders. Most importantly, the smiles on the residents’ faces after the engaging session speak volumes about the positive experiences they have had,” said the representative from Lions Home For The Elders.

Belimo is celebrating it’s 50th anniversary in 2025. As part of the run up to the celebration, it gathered a group of diverse professionals from the HVAC domain, users, providers, standards to participate in a one day event at Cesim House, Belimo’s India HQ in Mumbai to explore and envision what the next 50 years will bring. This was one of a series of 4 (India, Germany, China and USA) events to discuss Mega Trends, Impact on the HVAC industry, and Shaping the Future to path the way towards 2050.

Azendian’s Founder & CEO Bill Lee was invited as part of an assembled team from many parts of the world and was proud to be representing Singapore. As part of the discussion on the Future of Digitalization, he shared Azendian‘s experience in offering AI solutions and marrying IT and OT to achieve sustainability goals in HVAC operations.

In a Singapore Green Building Council seminar on 24 October 2024, the team led by National University of Singapore elaborated on the key results and lessons learnt from the recently completed Mixed Mode Ventilation living lab at Azendian Solutions‘ office premises in BCA Braddell Campus.

Mixed Mode Ventilation offers a sustainable alternative, operating on the principle of cooling only when necessary, prioritising natural ventilation to achieve thermal comfort and supplementing with ceiling fans and localised cooling as needed. This approach not only enhances energy efficiency but also offers increased resilience in the face of future pandemics and haze episodes, due to its flexibility in switching between various operating modes.

“Net Zero Carbon Cities: Dream or Reality”, a RICS & Real Estate Developers’ Association of Singapore (REDAS) SEA Conference 2024, is a pivotal event designed to address the swift evolution and pressing demands of creating sustainable urban environments in Southeast Asia. Amidst rapid technological advancements and stringent regulatory landscapes, industry leaders, policymakers, and practitioners will delve into the opportunities and challenges presented by new norms such as the Carbon Building Framework and ESG compliance.

Discussions will spotlight Singapore’s pioneering projects and policies, providing a comprehensive overview of the technological, economic, and social shifts shaping the future of net zero cities. Panels will explore the transformation in electric and autonomous vehicles, AI’s role in urban management, and innovative strategies in workforce development and leasing to meet sustainability goals.

Azendian’s Founder & CEO Bill Lee joined Session 5 Panel Discussion

Azendeans put their hands to the plough at a tree planting event organised by BCA Academy to offset 2,661kg of CO2 emissions with 58 Eugenia trees.

This was carried out in support of BCA Academy’s first carbon-neutral graduation ceremony to be held in November. What a thoughtful and important way forward by the Academy to instill a sense of environmental responsibility amongst its students.

At the same time, the meaningful event was helping to sow the seeds of community spirit in the Building and Construction Authority campus – engaging partners, tenants and students in shared eco-commitment to enhance the environment.

Day 2 at BEX Asia (The Built Environment Expo) saw Bill Lee, Azendian’s Founder & CEO, draw keen interest in his talk at the BuildSG pavilion.

He shared on how AI-driven solutions marrying Operation Technology and Information Technology can create new opportunities while at the same time, achieve unprecedented ESG and productivity gains in the built environment domain.

As a living lab for a novel approach to achieving about 60% reduction in cooling energy, Azendian Solutions’s HQ in the Built Environment Innovation Hub (BEIH) at Building and Construction Authority (BCA) Braddell Campus has been garnering much interest.

The approach uses a combination of natural ventilation from automated windows, elevated air movement from ceiling fans, spot cooling from personal ventilation desks, and background cooling from the air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation (ACMV) system. The aim is to maximise conditions when natural ventilation is desirable and reduce reliance on energy-intensive air-conditioning, thereby contributing to urban sustainability and significantly reducing cooling energy consumption.

This experimentation is a collaboration among BCA, National University of Singapore, Singapore Institute of Technology, Kajima, and SJ Group under the Cities of Tomorrow (CoT) R&D programme.

Today, Azendian hosted over 40 participants of the Green Mark Associate Applied Learning Workshop organised by the Singapore Green Building Council. Azendian’s CEO Bill Lee shared on how the experiment is aligned to Azendian’s push for energy optimisation and sustainability in the Built Environment. The Azendian team has also participated actively in the programme adorning wearable devices providing real-time data as well as feedback.

The BEIH is envisioned to be a collaborative space to connect like-minded individuals, showcase innovative technologies and ideas, and transfer knowledge to accelerate the transformation of the Built Environment (BE). One use of the space is for it to be a “living laboratory”, allowing collaborators to be co-located on the same campus, so as to be able to conduct research, test-bed and refine in-demand BE solutions in a real world environment.


Azendian celebrated sustainability leaders and initiatives amongst 600 attendees at the Singapore Green Building Council Gala Dinner 2024 on 6 June 2024. Azendian Solutions‘ Founder and CEO Bill Lee hosted a table comprising partners, customers and friends.

The Singapore Mechanical & Electrical Carbon Calculator (MECC) was also officially at the event in the presence of guest-of-honour Ms Indranee Rajah, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, Second Minister for Finance and Second Minister for National Development.

Developed by the Energy Studies Institute and JTC Corporation, in close collaboration with the Building and Construction Authority and SGBC, the MECC builds on the Singapore Building Carbon Calculator (SBCC) launched in June 2023. While the SBCC focuses on computing the embodied carbon emissions of building materials in building project, the MECC expands this scope to encompass both the embodied and operational carbon impact of mechanical and electrical (M&E) equipment and services. These include chillers, air handling units, lighting fixtures, cables, pipes, photovoltaic modules and other M&E engineering building products.

A perk being part of the tech community located in the Innovation hub at the BCA Braddell Campus is participation in Technology Exchanges organised as networking sessions with specific technology themes to raise awareness on ready-for-market solutions.

The BCA Braddell Campus connects like-minded individuals, showcases innovative technologies, and transfers knowledge to drive development and adoption of I&T in the Built Environment.

Bill Lee, Azendian Solutions Founder & CEO, presented at the Technology Exchange and Networking Session last Friday which was centred on Integrated Smart FM. The exchange, jointly organised by Building and Construction Authority and Singapore International Facility Management Association, showcased cutting-edge facilities management solutions with potential for productivity savings created by systems integration. It attracted a strong turn-out of more than 200 participants.

The tech exchange and networking event allowed Azendian to showcase its AI-driven estate solution which is an ASEAN Energy Award recipient and the first and only certified enterprise under Singapore Green Building Council’s Smart Digital Platform. 

Partnership and a strong commitment to that spirit is the key to a successful venture together – Azendian’s Founder & CEO Bill Lee shared at the Singapore Week of Innovation and Technology (SWITCH) which was held at Sands Expo and Convention Centre from 31 October to 2 November 2023.

He was speaking at the ‘Japan Entry to Kitakyushu session’ at SWITCH which lively and robust session was moderated by Masato Tanakai, Senior Director, Business Development & PR Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Singapore. The panel comprised the honorable Mayor of City of Kitakyushu Kazuhisa Takeuchi and Mr Jun Tanaka, CEO of WingArc 1st.

On why Japan is a key market for Azendian Solutions and how an important project has kicked off with Kitakyushu City – Bill shared that it was impossible to ignore Japan being the world’s third largest economy with large urban communities and strong support came in the form of WingArc !st, Azendian’s investor and partner, who connected Azendian to Kitakyushu City.  Kitakyushu City, strongly committed to being a global sustainable city through green and digital transformation, was willing to sponsor Azendian with a grant but more importantly, its city managers were incredibly supportive and collaborative for the use of Azendian’s energy optimisation solution. The project demonstrates the successful collaboration and partnership between the private and public sectors. At the forum, Kitakyushu Mayor Takeuchi also elaborated on his city’s appeal and advantages, and a variety of initiatives introduced by members of the Kitakyushu’s vibrant eco-system.