First volunteer event at New Life Children & Student Centre

What We Do Matters to young lives – the Azendian team organised their very first volunteer activity with a craft session at New Life Children & Student Care Centre. They brought on happy smiles amongst P1 students when they crafted cards using recycled materials. It was a fun way to teach the young ones about caring for others and the environment.
The New Life Community Services (NLCS) is a social service agency that cares for and mentors young children. The agency also provides financial assistance to marginalised families with young children, providing case work management and counselling to nip issues of poverty and debts. With education and the environment being two causes which strongly resonate with Azendian, they were apt as themes for our first volunteering activity.

Our volunteers had a fun and meaningful time guiding the children along and encouraging their creative minds to run free!
Thank you to our Azendian team members who supported and made donations to the event, and to New Life Children and Student Care for collaborating with us.